Friday, April 23, 2010

Global Warming - Inevitable Disaster

The challenge of global warming is a reality and can not be ignored; and if somehow it is overlooked then our future generation will have to face the inevitable disaster.

It is widely accepted & expressed in the conferences at United Nations - U.N, New
York, Paris, London and all around the world that our climate actually is in crisis and it happened due to the industrial
hazardous exhausts wastes and other chemical emissions into our atmosphere. True, but the real question is what can be done about it right now?

World leaders (people in power) who are supposed to take
care of this problem mainly because that’s their job and partly because it’s the moral duty, but they are simply not taking responsibility and keep on shying away from the disaster which is right before our eyes. They have got many excuses to run away from this fact, well they would say, we are now used to the status-co and what’s done is done. It does not pose any clear and present danger right now.

Ironically even though apparently this problem appears to be a
very complicated and impossible to solve;

But the Good News is:

It CAN be cured
and repaired quite quickly provided there must be a complete realization of the following facts:

A) it is a great problem

B) it
can be solved and

C) community of the nations (world) have
the capability & capacity to address this mess effectively and efficiently right now.


Global Warming: References
Global Warming : Feature Articles
Alarming Global Warming Disaster
Bibliography: Discovery of Global Warming
References for Global Warming: Early Warning Signs

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