Sunday, May 2, 2010

1918 Flu Epidemic

There are a number of differences between this strain of influenza and the Spanish 1918 flu epidemic.

First, the primary reason the 1918 Flu Epidemic was so wide spread was partially because so many people were in military camp barracks, where disease can spread rapidly.

Second, healthy individuals had an over-reaction of their immune system, causing excessive secretions in their lungs. This caused secondary bacteria infections, and it is very likely that more people died from bacteria pneumonia than influenza.

Last, that epidemic hit in the middle of winter, when influenza tends to spread faster because people are more confined due to cold weather.

The swine flu of 2009 is a far milder infection than the 1918 Flu Epidemic, and the late spring onset means less chance for a more virulent second wave later in the season.

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